“Nearest school is the best school” is a famous concept which is affecting for the education level of Sri Lankan students. It makes a path to discuss whether this concept is correct or not. Sometimes this concept will be a good solution for some students, but for some students this will not be the optimum solution to get their education. These are some benefits of this concept. 1. Convenience: In Sri Lanka, most of the students live in rural or remote areas, and attending the nearest school is the easiest way to them to get the education. It will also decrease the cost and time of transportation for both students and their families. 2. Community engagement: From attending the nearest school, students will be able to increase their community involvement and engagement, since they have a closer connection to the school and its activities. 3. Protection: Since the child is near to the home, parents can keep an eye on their children, and it will affect to increase the safety ...